What a fabulous week! Held my talk “15 years of home education” for the first time – in Spanish. And I taught a total of 42 Alexander Technique lessons. Some very touching encounters! Tomorrow I’ll move on, back to France… https://faceugena.wordpress.com/2017/07/26/15-anos-de-educacion-en-casa-stefanie-mohsennia/ https://faceugena.wordpress.com/2017/06/21/la-tecnica-alexander-con-stefanie-mohsennia/

Breakfast conversation

Over breakfast, I chatted with a friendly French primary school teacher about school and home education. He said that children in school are necessarily somewhat pressed and moulded, in former times into soldiers, nowadays into consumers. Wait a minute… That sounds very similar to what I quote the German neuroscientist Gerald Hüther as saying in […]


„Originality does not consist in saying what no one has ever said before, but in saying exactly what you think yourself.” (James Stephens – found in „Finding water“ by Julia Cameron) I have only quite recently realized that nobody lives in the same world that I live in, so to speak, that nobody lives their […]