I haven’t managed to translate any of my blog posts since January. Life is just too full! Please go to the German blog at https://degrees-of-freedom.de/blog/ and throw the text into Google Translate or the like.
Author: Steffi Mohsennia
Back home
Back in Germany. Our departure for Andalusia has been deferred for a week. Julian has an appointment on January 17th in Düsseldorf, but right after that, we will head south. I would really like to already be on the way to warmer climes, but every change of plan, every unexpected turn in life, also has […]
Ready to go
For now, my Cookie is equipped with everything I need and all my belongings are in place. At least I think so. I already feels a bit like home. I’ll find out on the road what is still missing. Departing the day after tomorrow!
Farewell and a new beginning
I now drive a truck! Or rather a historic James Cook camper van. My Aygo that took me to so many different destinations in the past four years will now live with Anke in Klein Jasedow. I am excited to start my adventures with “Cookie”…
Return trip
A cornucopia of Alexander Technique moments was presented to me on my return trip to Germany: staying calm and serene while waiting out on the stormy channel for the port of Calais to re-open, not being scared stiff when three men ran across the motorway right in front of me in the dark near Calais […]
I’m really enjoying planning my year 2018: perusing through the calendar, considering what would be possible, discarding plans that had already been made, because another opportunity came along, allowing for gaps and leisure time… I am very curious to discover how 2018 will unfold in real life!
Why not?
“Some people see the world as it is and ask why. I see the world as it can be and ask why not.” Thank you for these words, Don! Adapted from George Bernard Shaw in “Back To Methuselah”: “You see things; and you say, ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say, […]
I tremendously enjoyed my quiet days in Devon! Picturesque little English villages, chestnuts over the open fire, Christmas lunch at the gardening club, walk around amongst the Exmoor Ponies and so much more. A heartfelt thank you to my hosts Adrian, Pat and Martin! (unfortunately, these pictures can’t express how lovely my time was, but […]
Christmas train
English breakfast at the „Old Stations Tea Rooms“ in Okehampton including a visit from Percy, the station cat – famous at last since appearing in the newspaper yesterday. The train to Christmas Town departs from here as well in December. ?
Beech Hill
I was invited to visit Lehla and her family. In their book “Jump, fall, fly”, Lehla and Anthony talk about their journey from schooling to homeschooling to unschooling. Thank you for a lovely afternoon in Devon with tea, wonderful conversations, Alexander Technique and Christmas card making!