Back in Germany. Our departure for Andalusia has been deferred for a week. Julian has an appointment on January 17th in Düsseldorf, but right after that, we will head south. I would really like to already be on the way to warmer climes, but every change of plan, every unexpected turn in life, also has its advantages. This way, I have time to purchase some things, get some things done here that would otherwise have had to wait, and there are some people I can see again before disappearing for months.
If my life doesn’t go the way I would have liked it to, I look at the situation and ask myself if it will help if I get upset or if I get angry. If this would change the situation, I could choose this option. But if my assessment is that my situation wouldn’t change, at least not in a positive, constructive direction, if I get upset or angry or desperate, then there is no need in making this effort. I don’t always succeed in following this plan, but I succeed more and more often…